Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Adding Fractions on a Number Line

4.NF.3, 3a, 3b
Module 7
Differentiation Activity

This is a game for 2-4 players  Each player will need a game board.  Player 1 draws two cards and shows how they would add the fraction on their game board.  Player 2 does the same on their game board.  The student with the greatest fraction sum receives 4 points and the next student with the greatest receives 2. The student with the most points after 5 rounds is the winner.

Fraction Sixths Cards (download to see fractions)    Fraction Sixths Game Board

Adding Twelfths Fractions

4.NF.3, 3a, 3b
Module 7
Differentiation Activity

This is a game for 2-4 players  Each player will need a game board.  Player 1 draws two cards and shows how they would add the fraction on their game board.  Player 2 does the same on their game board.  The student with the greatest fraction sum receives 4 points and the next student with the greatest receives 2. The student with the most points after 5 rounds is the winner.

Fraction Twelfths Cards
(download to see fractions)

Fraction Twelfths Game Board

Finding Common Denominators & Adding Fractions

4.OA.4  4.NF.1
Module 7
Differentiation Activity

Students can use the mix-and-match fraction cards in the Number Case to find common denominators (if needed) and then add the fractions.

Comparing Fractions

Module 4
Differentiation Activity

This game can be for 2-4 students.  Each student will draw a card.  The students compare their cards.  The student with the greatest fraction receives 4 points.  The next greatest receives 2 points.  When all the cards are gone, the student with the most points is the winner.

Fractions Cards

Area Model Equivalent Fractions

Module 4
Differentiation Activity

The first student will draw a rectangle with a ruler and partition it into equal parts.  They will shade in parts of that whole and write the matching fraction.  The second student will then split their fraction into smaller parts and write the equivalent fraction.

I used centimeter grid paper under a piece of white paper in a sheet protector, and it made it easier to create pieces instead of a ruler.

Remainder Run - A Fundamentals Game

Module 4 Lesson 12
Differentiation Activity/Fundamentals Game

Students draw a card and mentally divide the number their counter is on by the number drawn.  They may move the number of remainders left over.  The student who reaches finish or beyond is the winner.

Remainder Run Game Board, Cards, and Directions

Remainder Race - A Fundamentals Game

Module 7
Differentiation Activity/Fundamentals Game

Students draw a card and mentally divide the number their counter is on by the number drawn.  If there is a remainder, the student may move that many squares.  The student to reach or go beyond the finish line is the winner.

Remainder Race Game Board, Cards, and Directions

Multiplication Facts Race

4.NBT.1  4.NBT.5
Module 2
Differentiation Activity

Students use a 30 second to 1 minute timer and take turns writing a string of multiplication facts. They must have one number the same as the previous multiplication fact and the answer must be correct.  At the end of the time, the student with the most correct equations earns a point. The student with the most points after 5 rounds is the winner.

It's a Fact - A Fundamentals Game

4.NBT.1  5.NBT.5
Module 6
Differentiation Activity/Fundamentals Game

Students take turns drawing an equation card and mentally multiplying the numbers together using place value.  The student who can place 4 counters in a row is the winner.

It's a Fact Game Board, Cards, and Directions

Relating Multiplication and Division

4.NBT.6  4.OA.3
Module 5
Differentiation Activity

Student 1 will write a multiplication fact on a white board.  Student 2 will then write the matching division facts that correspond with those multiplication facts.  Students can also do this with the multiplication/division fact families on index cards and use them for mix-and-match games such as memory.

5-Digit Subtraction

Module 4
Differentiation Activity

Students can use the 5-digit mix-and-match cards in the Number Case to create subtraction equations.  The student with the greatest or least difference can earn a point.  The student with the most points at the end of 5 rounds is the winner.

5 Round Recording Sheet

Find the Difference

Module 4
Differentiation Activity

Student can draw 4-digit numbers out of a deck of cards.  Each student will find the difference between their two numbers.  The student with the greatest difference wins a point.  The student with the most points after 5 rounds is the winner.

5 Round Recording Sheet
(or students can just use a white board)

Make a Difference - A Fundamentals Game

Module 4
Differentiation Activity/Fundamentals Game

Students take turns creating 2 three-digit numbers.  They find the difference between the two numbers.  After one round, the student with the difference that is the least receives 1 point. The student with the most points after 5 rounds is the winner!

Make a Difference Game Board, Directions, & Cards

Friday, November 18, 2016

13 Rules that Expire

This is a great article as we prepare our students for middle school mathematics.  Sometimes the tricks and tips backfire once they move on to more complex concepts.

13 Rules that Expire

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Fraction Fill Up

Module 4
Differentiation Activity

Students take turns drawing a cards an filling up their game board with either the fraction or an equivalent fraction.  The first player to fill up their entire board, is the winner.

Fraction Game Board
Fraction Cards

Mix and Match Fractions

Module 4
Differentiation Activity

Students can use the Fraction Mix and Match Cards from the Number Case to play a variety of games, including Memory, Go Fish or Old Maid.

Friendly Factors

Module 3
Differentiation Activity/Fundamentals Game

Students draw a card from two separate piles and find the product of the numbers.  They might have to find factors of the larger number in order to multiply more friendly numbers.

Friendly Factors Game Board and Cards

Perfect Pairs

Module 3
Differentiation Activity/Fundamentals Game

Students pick cards from three different stacks and mentally multiply them.  They must "think aloud" to explain their thinking of why they chose to multiply those numbers in that order.

Perfect Pairs Cards and Game Board

Double and Half

Module 1
Differentiation Activity/Fundamental Game

Students draw a card from each pile and then double one number and half the other.  They find the equivalent number sentence on the board and solves the problem.  They then claim the square with the matching sentence.  The student who can get 4 in a row, wins.

Nice and Easy Game and Cards

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Addition Algorithm

Module 2
Differentiation Activity

Students draw cards to make a 4-digit number and then practice adding them together using the standard algorithm.

Recording Sheet

Mix and Match Addition

Module 2
Differentiation Activity

Students use the numeral cards 1-9 to create a true equation.  This is truly a challenge!  There are more answers on the differentiation page.

Recording Sheet
Numerals 1-9

Ad Addition/Subtraction

Module 2
Differentiation Activity

Students will get a set amount of money up to $1,000 to spend on two things in an ad.  It could be tools, electronics, toys, etc.  Students will tape or glue them onto some paper along with the addition and subtraction sentence to show their spending.

Make a Difference - Subtraction Strategies

Module 4
Differentiation Activity/Fundamentals Game

Students create two three-digit numbers with the hopes of making the smallest difference between the two.  The student who creates the smallest difference wins a point.  After 5 rounds the student with the most points is the winner.

Make a Difference Game Board, Cards, and Directions

Up or Down - Subtraction Strategies

Module 4
Differentiation Activity/Fundamentals Game

Students draw cards and mentally subtract the numbers.  They then must find the two equivalent number sentences on the game board and select one to claim.

Up or Down Game Board, Cards, and Directions

Jump On - Addition Strategies

Module 2 
Fundamentals Game, Differentiation Activity

Students will use numbers lines to add two and three-digit numbers.  After they draw a card, they will mentally add the two numbers and then confirm using the number line.  They will then claim a space with the matching answer.

Jump on game board, cards and directions

Students will also need number lines from the Number Case.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Addition Strategies

Module 2
Fundamentals Game, Differentiation Activity

Students will draw two cards, mentally add the numbers, and place a game piece on the game board.  Four in a row wins!

Splitting Fun Game and Directions

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Examining 4-Digit Numbers

Module 3
Fundamental Game, Differentiation Activity

Students can play the game Make it Close.  They will draw number cards and try to make a number that is closest to a hundred.  The student closest to a hundred is the winner and receives a point.  The student with the most points after 5 rounds is the winner.

Cards, game board and directions are all included in the game.

Make it Close

Expanded Form

Module 1
Differentiation Activity

In partners, one student can draw 5-digit cards from the number case, use playing cards, or dice and write their numbers on a numeral expander.  The other partner will write the number in expanded form on the recording sheet.  Partner 1 will check their work and then they switch roles.

Numeral Expanders (Number Case)
Mix-and-Match Cards (Number Case)
Playing Cards or Dice
Recording Form (Press for link)

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Going Great - 4-Digit Numerals

Module 3
Differentiation/ Fundamentals Game

Students can either use playing cards, dice, or numeral cards from Honeypot to creat 4-digit numbers to write down.  Students compare their numbers and make a tally based on the largest number created.

Going Great - Game board and directions
Numeral Cards

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Origo One Fraction Videos

Please don't forget about the great Origo one minute videos on YouTube.  They are a great resource for teachers, parents, and students.  I was excited to see the new fraction videos!  Enjoy!

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Comparing Decimal and Common Fractions

4.NF.1, 4.NF.6
Module 10

Student can use the printable cards to play mix and match games (Memory, Go Fish, etc.).  They will match a common fraction with pictures of tenths and hundredths.

Common Fraction and Decimal Fraction Cards

Comparing Tenths and Hundreths

Module 10
Fundamentals Game

Student will draw cards to create either the largest or smallest decimal fraction.  Student will compare their numbers for points.  The student with the most points after 5 rounds is the winner.

Top Score

Monday, May 23, 2016

Representing Tenths by Mix & Match

Module 10

Pull out the tenths from the Mix and Match Cards and use them to play all sorts of matching games.  From Memory to Go Fish to Old Maid.  Click below to make class sets of the tenths cards.

Mix and Match Tenths Cards

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Composing Decimal Tenths

Module 10
Differentiation Activity

Students in small groups, pairs, or individually create different tenths cards from .0 to 1.0 by drawing on two tenths grid support pages.  They will then draw a card with a fraction and build it with their tenths grids.  Students will compare how they decided to build their number and see if they can come up with any more combinations.

Tenths Grids (print 2 per student)
Decimal Cards

Fraction Matching

4.NF.1, 4.NF.5
Module 9
Differentiation Activity

Students will shade squares to show different fractions.  After they cut out the cards, they can either use them to order from least to greatest or they can play a mix and match game of memory.

Monday, April 18, 2016

Concrete Models in Fraction Multiplication

4.NF.4, 4.MD.2
Module 7
Problem Solving using Concrete Models

Students can solve problems using fractions tiles, pictures, and numbers.  This is a great way for students to make the connection between the pictorial/concrete and the symbolic/abstract.

Click here for the resources.

Submitted by
Karen Daily
Meadows Elementary Math Coach

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

4-Digit by 1-Digit Division

Module 8

Students will draw a 4-digit card and roll a dice.  They will use the division strategies they have learned to find whether or not their number is divisible by the number they rolled.  They earn two points for it being divisible with proof and one point for if it is not.  The student with the  most points is the winner.

Player Points Recording Sheet
Directions/Game Cards

Monday, March 28, 2016

Division Dash

Module 8

Students begin to use partial quotients and the think multiplication strategy to solve three-digit by one-digit division problems.

Click here for game board and directions.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Multiplying Fractions on a Number Line

Module 8

Students roll one dice and multiply it by a fraction card drawn.  They show their work on the number lines from the Number Case.  They receive one point is their answer is less than 1 and two points if their answer is more than 1. Play continues until there are no cards left to draw.  The student with the most points is the winner.

Player Points Recording Sheet
9.6 Differentiation
Number Case Fraction Cards

Monday, March 14, 2016

Inside Outside Area

Module 3

Students take turns rolling two dice and create a rectangle using the numbers rolled as sides. They then must figure out the area inside the figure and the outside area.  Students with the smallest area outside the rectangle is awarded a point. The player with the most points after 5 rounds is the winner.

Player Points Recording Sheet
Square Grid Paper
9.2 Differentiation

Monday, March 7, 2016

Doing Division

Module 8

Students begin to use partial quotients and the think multiplication strategy to solve two-digit by one-digit division problems.

Click here for game board and directions.

Fraction Multiplication

Module 8

Students use the fraction cards from the number case and a standard dice to multiply fractions. 2 points are awarded for a number greater than one and 1 point for less than one. After all cards are used, the student with the most points wins!

Player Points Recording Sheet
9.5 Differentiation.
Number Case Fraction Cards